In the fall-winter season, we redefine tradition through the prism of innovation.
Images from outer space and prehistoric artefacts are of equal value.
Within the framework of the extreme conditions of digital reality, and the fast pace being set by innovative technologies, these trends evoke nostalgia for the traditional values that we can all rely on.
This season, classic paisley, the plaid patterns our grandmother would have worn, gold and the lavish detail seen in old paintings, combine with geometry and traditional crafts to evoke the work of the old masters.
The beauty of the earth's surface is a new source of inspiration and will be for many seasons to come. We are rethinking elements of wildlife and transforming natural surfaces – oil stains, volcanic lava, the plumage of forest birds and abundant flora – into organic non-prints and catwalk favourites.
Special features: the transformation of plant elements into new formats in which hand drawn flowers sit beside strikingly realistic photographic flora. When brought together in intricate patterns, this natural herbarium, encapsulates our memories of the past and gives us a valuable sense of security, protection and tranquillity.